The Various Kinds of Spiritual Relationships That Can Exist In Your Life
We may sometimes wonder why certain people are in our lives, and not until the time has passed, do we realize what their purpose was. In the moment, it is sometimes hard to grasp their presence, or perhaps we have such a good time we forget to step back and appreciate the now. While all of this is totally normal, as most of us resonate with this thought, further insight can be helpful in our interaction and view of such situations.
Understanding the different kinds of spiritual relationships and connections that exist can help us navigate, appreciate, and open up our bandwidth for viewing different moments and stages in life. This increased insight may also help us elaborate, and clarify, the meaning of soulmates as we understand it in pop culture.
Aneesha Manji, Reiki Master, and Spiritual Coach, talks to us about spiritual connections and breaks down the three main types below!
an intro to spiritual relationships
Among the various people you encounter in life, there are “certain individuals that stand out” highlights Aneesha. For the most part, these more meaningful relationships are likely to fall into one of the three main spiritual relationships:
Twin Flame
To clarify, a spiritual relationship is a physical person in your life, but the focus is on your spiritual connection and how both your souls interact.
““Spiritual relationships are meant to help you evolve and grow from the lessons you learn through each encounter.””
how do you know if you have met someone that you could have a soul connection with [romantically or not]? is it easy to decipher?
Ever met someone that you just click with? Feel like you can just get along with them, or, as if you have known them for years?!
Aneesha explains, “when you meet someone from your soul group, you’ll instantly have this sense of familiarity…whether it’s a romantic relationship or not, you’ll connect effortlessly.”
does it matter at what stage of your life you are in when you meet your soulmate[s] or connected spiritual partners?
“It does not, but you will typically pull one of the soulmates into your vortex when you need them most,” Aneesha says.
However, you will notice that at certain times in life, the universe is nudging you towards something, and this is generally when “people within soul groups tend to find one another” says Aneesha, usually “during a difficult/positive time in your life, or when…you [might need] to level up!”
Does each spiritual relationship connection stay with you for life? are certain relationships only for certain stages? Can you outgrow them?
Aneesha clarifies that “not all … stay, however you will always have a connection with them.”
The next time you question why something is happening or regret something, as you look back remember that “some soul [connections] come for a specific reason to help us with a particular mission or life lesson,” Aneesha reminds us.
“You never really outgrow anyone, simply continue on both of your journeys, either side by side or socially distant! ;)”
what are the different types of spiritual relationships/connections?
karmic relationships
Often come into our lives to teach us lessons we didn't learn in previous lifetimes.
These types of relationships don't tend to end well.
A lot of times people want to hold on, as they are nostalgic about what they felt at the beginning of the relationship.
There is an instant connection, very intense + there's no shortage of love, but it can end up toxic.
In short, these relationships generally aren't meant to last. That being said, they should be honored as they are still a part of your soul group...just here to teach us the tougher lessons!
Often the people you marry.
You have an instant connection, a deep understanding of one another, a solid friendship, basically everything you see in the movies.
This person is safe, secure, provides you with unconditional love + brings about a sense of self-awareness in you (which can be triggering at times-but the good kind).
They're not just someone who's a part of your soul group, they're quite literally the other part of your soul.
They mirror you in every single way.
You'll immediately recognize them + know that you're both here for a purpose, generally to do something for humanity in a shared mission.
They will catapult your growth in every single way possible.
“Each of these types can be romantic or platonic. It all depends on the people involved.”
can a person from your soul group be right there in your life, but you may not connect with them because of your own healing journey / blockage that has to be taken care of? is there such a thing?
Aneesha says “Absolutely, you’ll see them and recognize them, but might not be in the right headspace to begin or continue your self-healing journey.”
“Some people opt-out of these types of relationships as the lessons can be too painful. However, healing is imperative in pulling certain types of people into your vortex.”
Any last tips or insight?
There are no hard rules for these kinds of relationships! People can choose to walk away from them if they want, free will is of the utmost importance. The types of lessons can be very difficult and not something everyone chooses to heal from.
Continue to follow Aneesha on Instagram where she advertises her ongoing workshops, healing crystals she can recommend specifically for you, and reiki + coaching appointments!